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  1. Server Rules Last update: 25/04/2023 1. Text Based Offences 1.1 - Racism/Bigotry/Sexism At Galanor, we have a zero-tolerance policy towards racism, bigotry, sexism, and all forms of intolerance. These behaviors can foster hatred, which we firmly oppose. 1.2 - Harassment/Flame-baiting We have a strict stance against all types of harassment. Any individual found to be repeatedly engaging in harassment will be permanently banned from the platform. Flaming other players or staff, regardless of the reason, is strictly prohibited and may result in a mute. It's important to note that flaming may escalate into threats, which is a severe offense that could lead to a ban. Therefore, we urge all users to refrain from engaging in any form of flaming or abusive behavior towards others. 1.3 - Spamming All forms of spamming are strictly prohibited here at Galanor. While the use of Autotypers is permitted, it should be used with a minimum interval of 15 seconds between each use. 1.4 - Staff Disrespect Showing disrespect towards Galanor's staff members, including but not limited to begging for items, persistently requesting to join the staff team, or exhibiting rude behavior, may lead to a mute or even a ban. Furthermore, it is important to note that the decision of all staff members is deemed final. In case of any disagreement with a staff member's decision on any matter, users are advised to raise the issue with a higher member of staff through the support section on our Discord. 1.5 - Galanor is an English based server At Galanor, only the English language is permissible for any public-facing form of communication, including in-game Help clan chat, in-game yell, Discord channels, and forum threads. In-Game Proximity chat and Direct Messages does not need to be English. 1.6 - False Accusations If you make a false accusation of rule-breaking against someone, you will be punished in accordance with the severity of the accusation. 2. Gameplay Based Offences 2.1 - Third-Party Software (Autoclicking/Macros) The use of third-party software to gain an unfair advantage while playing Galanor is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to bots, auto-clickers, or any other third-party software. The consequences for violating this rule may vary depending on the severity of the offense. 2.2 - Scamming Deceiving another player to obtain their in-game items or money is a severe violation that can lead to a ban. This includes failing to pay out winnings during gambling. The ban will persist unless the wronged party is fully compensated. The management has the ultimate authority to decide on lifting the ban. It's worth noting that betting with items or gold that you don't own is also prohibited and can lead to a ban. Relying on chat logs alone is inadequate evidence to prove that a scam occurred. The best way to ensure that a scammer is punished is by providing a video recording of the incident. 2.3 - Giveaways/Drop-parties Drop parties are prohibited and can only be hosted by staff after receiving approval. Any kind of giveaway must be approved by a staff member before being carried out. 2.4 - Account Sharing Sharing your account with anyone is strictly prohibited. If another person uses your account to break the rules resulting in an IP/Mac ban, the punishment will not be reversed. 2.5 - In-Game Services It is prohibited to engage in the buying or selling of any in-game services that require sharing of account credentials. 2.6 - Multilogging There is no restriction on the number of accounts that you can possess, but there are restrictions on their usage. Specifically, you are only allowed to use a single account to launch an attack against a boss target or player target at any given moment. Example 1: Two+ accounts attacking one person in wilderness is not allowed. Example 2: Two+ accounts running TOB/COX is not allowed. Example 3: Two+ accounts attacking two different bosses at the same time is allowed. (These bosses can be the same boss if there are multiple in the room. You just cannot target the same entity.) If you're raiding (TOB/COX), you are only allowed one account inside the same raid at any given time. Running multiple different raids simultaneously is allowed. 3. Wilderness Based Offences 3.1 - Ragging If ragging is excessively preventing players from PKing in the wilderness, it will be considered a violation of the rules and may result in being jailed. 3.2 - Boosting Engaging in kill trading solely for the purpose of boosting KDR or Blood money is a violation of the rules, and the severity of the offense will determine the range of punishments. 3.3 - Luring Luring other players into the wilderness with the intention of stealing money and gear is strictly forbidden and will result in a ban. 3.4 - Wilderness Multilogging The use of multiple PK accounts in the Wilderness is strictly prohibited. Violation of this rule may result in jail time and potentially a ban. 4. PvM Based Offences 4.1 - Safespotting Safe spotting during any kind of combat is strictly prohibited. If you are engaged in combat with an NPC, the NPC must have the ability to counter-attack. 4.2 - AFK PvMing PvMing while being AFK is not permitted on Galanor. You must be actively playing while engaging in monster fights. 5. Major Offences 5.1 - Real-World Trading Trading or selling Galanor items or gold for any other server or real-life currency is strictly prohibited. Our virtual items cannot be sold or exchanged under any circumstances, and any violation of this rule will result in a ban. 5.2 - DDoSing/Hacking Galanor does not tolerate any illegal activities, including DDoSing or hacking. Anyone found engaging in these activities will face an indefinite ban from Galanor. 5.3 - Bug Exploiting Do not deliberately exploit any bugs that cause harm to Galanor and the community, you will be banned immediately if you continue to abuse them and fail to report them. In case you discover a bug, please create a #support ticket on our Discord server and notify the staff of the issue. 6. Misc Offences 6.1 - Offensive Usernames Using a Username/Title that is considered offensive could lead to a ban. We aim to maintain a respectful environment for all players and therefore do not condone behavior that may cause offense. 6.2 - Spamming Account Creation Please refrain from creating accounts in a spam-like manner. 6.3 - VPN/Multi Voting Avoid voting on multiple accounts within a 12-hour window. You should wait at least 12 hours after voting on one account before voting on another. Buying votes under your name from other players is not allowed. Using a VPN or 4G & 5G to modify your IP address is not acceptable to bypass the 12-hour limit on voting sites. 6.4 - Glitched Items In the event that you come across an item that appears to be glitched, please notify our staff team immediately and refrain from exchanging it with other players. 6.5 - Avoiding Punishment Any attempt to evade punishment may lead to additional consequences at the discretion of the staff member carrying out the punishment. 6.6 - Starter Pack Farming Creating new accounts solely for the purpose of obtaining starting items is not allowed.
  2. Yoo another Aussie Welcome to the gang cobba
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